Adult Leagues
Whether you’re looking for recreational play or intense competition, we’ve got the league for you!
Check out our sports leagues for the big kids. You’ll have a great time, reconnect with friends each week and stay in shape.
Our adult sports leagues are for ages 18 & over are 8 weeks long (soccer leagues are 7-9 games long). They take place at both our Field Sports & Soccer First facilities, indoor & outdoor.
Plus concessions with adult beverages, online access to standings & schedules, free parking, and spectator viewing mezzanines. Don’t stay home – get in the game!
Available Sports:
- Basketball – Bring your game to our court! Adult competitive and recreational leagues available.
- Dodgeball – Grab your friends and join up for the manic, monster fun of dodgeball.
- Flag Football – Play America’s most popular sport all year long in our Field Sports indoor facility.
- Lacrosse – Can’t get enough LAX? No worries, we’ve got adult lacrosse leagues to keep your game at its prime.
- Indoor Volleyball – New co-ed adult league is now available for ages 18 & up!
- Sand Volleyball – Sand volleyball leagues are back at Field Sports!
- Soccer – Our adult soccer leagues provide both men and women an opportunity to keep active in a fun environment.